Meet Jennifer and Mike. Their story is one so sweet I can't hardly stand it! Jenn worked at Taylor's Market with Mike's brother. Jenn constantly heard about Mike and was gently nudged at the prospect of meeting Mike...but Jenn wanted nothing to do with it. day Mike came into the store and saw Jenn from across the store...their eyes locked on each other and she shot him one her penetrable vixen stares and that was it. It was love at first site in the produce aisle. You'll see in the show we tried to recreate that moment in time back at Taylor's...I think we came pretty close! Jenn and Mike...I had so much fun with you both and again...I can't wait for all the yummy details you have in store for your wedding in October. Your love for each other is delightful and inspiring. Thank you for sharing yourselves with me.
Click the last image to view their love story.

Slideshow music courtesy of Sacramento locals, The Bennys.